727 480-0706 [email protected]

Julie M. Cannell


Julie has been a trusted voice in the utility industry for four decades. With extensive experience in investment analysis, investor relations and corporate communications, she has served as special advisor to leaders of major utilities. She has also been called on to provide expert witness testimony to regulators in 26 states. Recognizing the “win-win” opportunities that arise when utilities do business with local lenders, Julie co-founded CFSD in 2009 and has been instrumental to the success of 17 transactions totaling more than $1 billion in Main Street financing.

Julie devotes significant time and energy to every client transaction. In addition to providing practical guidance, she lends tactical support, often operating as an extension of the utility’s internal team throughout the process. Utility clients and agent banks particularly rely on her expertise in creating transaction-related communications intended for local communities and regulators. Julie’s strength in this area stems from two decades as a consultant and author on topics related to utility investment, including best practices in investor relations and corporate communications; credit analysis; corporate governance; and the impact of pending state and federal regulation.

A Chartered Financial Analyst, she played a key role in developing CFSD’s credit scoring system, and is involved in identifying appropriate local and regional lenders for specific transactions. Julie spent the first two decades of her career with New York investment manager Lord Abbett & Co. In this role, she managed the America’s Utility Fund, oversaw ten institutional equity portfolios, and co-led the firm’s equity research division.

Throughout her career, Julie has authored countless industry reports and numerous white papers and articles for industry publications, including Electric Perspectives and Public Utilities Fortnightly. She has been actively engaged with Edison Electric Institute, including five years of service as part of an initiative to foster improved relationships between the regulatory and financial communities.


Columbia University Graduate School of Business, MBA
Emory University, M.Ln.
Mary Baldwin College, B.A.

INQUIRIES: [email protected]

CALL US: 727-480-0706